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How to Identify Faux Leather and Genuine Leather

by Gavisco Admin 18 Apr 2024
How to Identify Faux Leather and Genuine Leather

Leather is a timeless and luxurious material that adds elegance and sophistication to various products, including furniture, especially leather sofa and executive leather chair. However, with the rise in popularity of faux leather, how to be able to differentiate between genuine leather and its synthetic counterpart? In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key characteristics and methods to identify faux leather and genuine leather. So, let's dive in and become experts in leather identification!

Understanding Faux Leather

Faux leather, also known as synthetic leather or leatherette, is a man-made material designed to mimic the look and feel of genuine leather. It is typically made from a fabric base, such as polyester or cotton, which is coated with a layer of polyurethane (PU) or polyvinyl chloride (PVC). Faux leather can also be made from other materials like microfiber or recycled leather fibers.

While faux leather offers a more affordable and animal-friendly alternative to genuine leather, it lacks the natural qualities and durability of the real thing. However, with advancements in manufacturing techniques, faux leather has become increasingly convincing, making it crucial to know how to spot the differences.

Identifying Faux Leather

  1. Texture: Faux leather often has a consistent and uniform texture. It may feel smooth and plastic-like to the touch. However, some faux leathers are designed to imitate specific types of genuine leather, such as grain or suede textures. Pay attention to any repeating patterns or textures that seem too perfect or artificial.

  2. Grain Pattern: Genuine leather has a unique and irregular grain pattern, which is a result of the natural hide. Faux leather, on the other hand, typically has a consistent and repetitive grain pattern. Look closely at the surface of the material and check for any repeating patterns that appear identical.

  3. Flexibility: Genuine leather is known for its flexibility and ability to stretch. When you bend or fold genuine leather, it will crease and show signs of natural wear. Faux leather, however, may resist bending or creasing and may retain its shape even when manipulated.

  4. Smell: Genuine leather has a distinct and pleasant smell that is often described as rich and earthy. Faux leather, on the other hand, may have a chemical or plastic-like odor.

  5. Edge Finish: Examine the edges of the material. Genuine leather typically has rough edges, while faux leather often has a clean and smooth edge due to the manufacturing process.  

Identifying Genuine Leather

  1. Grain Variation: Genuine leather exhibits natural variations in the grain pattern, texture, and color. Look for slight imperfections, wrinkles, and irregularities on the surface. These variations are a testament to the authenticity and uniqueness of genuine leather.

  2. Softness and Suppleness: Genuine leather is soft and supple to the touch. It has a natural warmth and pliability that sets it apart from faux leather. When you press your fingers onto genuine leather, it will leave a temporary impression that slowly fades away.

  3. Absorption Test: Genuine leather has the ability to absorb liquids to some extent. Place a small drop of water on an inconspicuous area of the material and observe. If the water is absorbed, it is likely genuine leather. If the water beads up or sits on the surface, it is likely faux leather.

  4. Price and Brand Reputation: Genuine leather tends to be more expensive than faux leather due to its durability and natural properties. Additionally, reputable brands and manufacturers often provide authenticity labels or certificates with their genuine leather products.

  5. Consult an Expert: If you are still uncertain about the authenticity of a leather product, it is always advisable to consult an expert or a professional in the field. They have the knowledge and experience to accurately identify genuine leather and can provide guidance based on their expertise.


Being able to differentiate between faux leather and genuine leather is essential when making purchasing decisions and ensuring the quality and authenticity of leather products. By understanding the key characteristics and employing the identification methods mentioned above, you can confidently identify whether you are dealing with faux leather or the real deal. Genuine leather offers unparalleled durability, natural beauty, and a luxurious feel, making it a worthy investment for those seeking timeless elegance and quality.

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